The 2012 Honda Ridgeline can tow up to 5,000 lbs for all models with two passengers. The actual towing capacity of these vehicles is slightly higher if there are no additional passengers or cargo.
All information was taken directly from the 2012 Honda Ridgeline Owner’s Manual and the Owner’s Vehicle Specifications.
This information is a great starting point to help you determine the general capacities of your Ridgeline towing, but it should always be calculated on your own to make sure.
I will also comment that the information listed in their owner’s manual is different than what is listed online, so check with your local dealer, manual, and label stickers to confirm these capacities.
Read: How to Calculate Towing Capacity?
Though I tried to make this information as accurate as possible, you should always check your manual or contact your local dealer to determine the appropriate towing capacity of your vehicle and necessary equipment.

Trim Levels Honda Ridgeline
The 2012 Honda Ridgeline comes in 4 trim levels. It has the RT, RTL, RTS, and Sport. There are differences in load limits, wheel and tire specifications, seat adjustments, and other features.
There is also no option for various truck bed lengths. All Ridgeline truck beds are 5 feet long.
Regardless of the trim level on the Honda Ridgeline, a few things remain the same. The first is that they all have a seating capacity of five and have four doors. This means that the overall dimensions for the Ridgeline are virtually the same between trim levels.
Engine Performance and Power
There is only one engine available in the 2012 Honda Ridgeline. This is the 3.5 L V6 engine. This has a maximum hp of 250 @5,700 rpm and a torque of 247 lb.-ft @ 4,300 rpm.
There is no manual transmission available, and only the 4WD is available for all trims.
Gas Mileage for Honda Ridgeline
According to Honda, the 4WD Ridgeline gets an estimated average of 15 mpg in the city and 21 mpg on the highway.
This, of course, will vary on many conditions such as loading, passengers, driving conditions, and driving styles.
With a tank of 22 gallons, a single tank in the 2012 Honda Ridgeline can go between 330 and 462 miles.

Given that this is a mid-size pickup truck, it doesn’t have the highest power compared to full-size pickup trucks.
However, compared to other mid-size trucks, it still has pretty good power.
It has a hp of 250 @5,700 rpm and a torque of 247 lb.-ft @4,300 rpm.
Towing Capacity
Compared to the 2012 version of the Honda Ridgeline, there is no Trailer Hitch Towing Kit. All 2012 models of the Ridgeline come with an Integrated Class III tow hitch, the RT and Sport are prewired for the trailer harness, and the RTS and RTL trims include a trailer harness.
The maximum towing capacity in the 2012 Honda Ridgeline is 5,000 lbs. This assumes a vehicle loaded with two passengers of 150 lbs, 15 lbs of cargo for each passenger, any additional weight, including cargo and accessories, reduces the maximum trailer weight and maximum tongue load.
These numbers above, however, do not necessarily apply to your conditions. You first must know the GCWR and then calculate the towing capacity.
The 2012 Honda Ridgeline GCWR is listed as 10,085 lbs.

Tongue Weight
Tongue weight is the amount of weight that is directly applied to the trailer hitch.
If you need more information on tongue weight, how it’s measured and why it’s important, read: What is Trailer Tongue Weight?
Honda does list the max tongue weight that can be applied to the 4WD Honda Ridgeline. With 2 passengers, the maximum tongue load is 600 lbs.
Honda and many towers suggest that for trailers, the proper tongue weight should be between 10-15% of the total trailer weight.
Payload Capacity
So how much weight can be added to your Ridgeline?
This is based on a few factors and is further detailed in my article: What is GVWR?
In its simplest form, payload capacity refers to the maximum amount of weight that can be added to a truck. This includes passengers, cargo, accessories, and tongue weight.
Payload capacity can be calculated by subtracting the curb weight from the GVWR.
The GVWR of the 2012 4WD Honda Ridgeline is 6,050 lbs.
Honda estimates that the maximum payload for the Honda Ridgeline ranges from 1,486 lbs to 1,546 lbs, depending on the model.

The 2012 Honda Ridgeline can tow up to 5,000 lbs under certain conditions.
The best way to calculate the towing capacity of your Ridgeline is to use the GCWR found in this article and your owner’s manual.
You should always calculate your own towing capacity because it will vary depending on how much weight is added to your vehicle.
Need help walking through this process? Read: How is Towing Capacity Calculated? Here you will find a helpful calculator as well.
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